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Branding is essentially the art of influencing perception about an organisation or business. At SPF we employ some key strategies to help maximise your professional reputation. Once we have helped your company to establish itself as a reputable business, the rest of your marketing efforts will run much more efficiently.

As a professional service (lawyer, architect, physiotherapist etc.) you are judged over a longer period of time as opposed to a retail business who are judged immediately based on the quality of the products they sell. This means that when it comes to branding a different approach is required. Professional services branding requires less emphasis on visual and auditory cues, such as brand colors and jingles that instantly capture a shoppers eye, and more on establishing a long-term, positive brand reputation.

Brand Identity

People choose specific brands not only because of the product or service it sells, but because of the feeling and emotions it evokes. And that’s exactly what your brand identity is. If your brand could speak, what voice would you give it? What do you stand for and what are your core values? At SPF we take the time to discuss these things with you so we can udertsand and utilise your backstory to relate to consumers on a personal level. From there, we can complete the rest of your assets, from website design to your logo and tagline. While you may offer an amazing service, your brand identity is what’s going to sell/attract clientele. 

Content Marketing

Providing valuable, educational content to your customers is a strategic way to promote your business. Content marketing is a more indirect way to build your brand's credibility because it isn’t a blunt sales or marketing tactic. It allows you to connect with your clients on a more personal level that will also help establish your business as a true thought leader. SPF can help you to do this by creating blogs, podcasts, webinars and social posts. Content marketing accomplishes three main objectives that will generate leads and convert new clients: 

  • Builds trust between your business and target market

  • Engages your audience and offers an opportunity for open communication

  • Demonstrates a strong understanding of your industry, helping to establish a positive reputation

For B2C companies, in particular, this can be highly advantageous. For example, if an accounting firm is looking for a law firm to represent it, they may decide to forgo the bidding process and choose one based on reputation alone. Content marketing is a key strategy to accomplishing this.

Social media

While a social media presence is an essential part of any online branding strategy, it’s important to reiterate its importance for service businesses. Social media platforms, like Instagram and Facebook, are excellent tools for organic growth that allow you to create valuable content that not only engages your target market, but helps mold your brand. Whatever channel you want to use, SPF will incorporate all aspects of your branding, from your logo and colors to your tone of voice, into your social media content. By doing so, we will create you a powerful, cohesive brand that customers will associate with your service. Your brand will become synonymous with your service.

Reputation Management

Because reputation management is so important for service business branding, it’s incredibly beneficial to take advantage of online reviews. Today, people select all kinds of services, from lawyers and accountants to pet sitters, based on reviews they see online. In fact, 63.6% of consumers say they are likely to check reviews on Google before making a purchase.

SPF can set your business up on platforms like Google My Business, Tripadvisor and Yelp. Then, customers have the opportunity to leave comments and reviews and you can even reply. It’s an ideal way to build your brand and reputation. We can even repost them on social media as user-generated content for you. This is a great way to market your service business, show customer appreciation and grow your brand so others can find you in the future.

If you are a professional service and would like to discuss branding and marketing strategies with us then don't hesitate to get in touch.

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